Gladys taber quotes
Gladys taber quotes

gladys taber quotes

One day the first prematurely senile leaf will quietly detach itself in a faint breeze and flutter silently to the ground. With golden sheaves from fields of green. With ripened fruits from the buds of spring, The decaying woods become brilliant with the rich tints of autumn. Hazel nuts and walnuts are fit for gathering. The spiders, both geometric and gossamer, are very numerous, and the glow-worm shines with added brilliancy. Butterflies sport about in great numbers, crickets and beetles abound. September is the first autumn month, marked by a general migration of the birds of passage. The cool, fresh air, whence health and vigor spring, The dry leaf's rustle and the squirrel's laughter, O sweet September! thy first breezes bring The twelfth of this Sol rises in the Line,Īnd doth in poising Libra this month shine.

gladys taber quotes

Now day and night are equal in each clime, Happy September! The world shall now transform into pumpkin everything. Where crooknecks are coiling and yellow fruit shines,Īnd the sun of September melts down on the vines.

gladys taber quotes

Ome of the rarest days of the year come in September, days when it is comfortably cool but pulsing with life. The Summer's gone, - how did it go? ~Henry C. ~Gladys Taber, "September," Stillmeadow Daybookįair orchard trees wave their fruit-laden arms,Īnd nature smiles in her Autumnal charms. S EE A LSO: AUGUST, SUMMER, AUTUMN, OCTOBER, THIRTY DAYS HATHĪs summer wanes, we cherish every mild dreamy day.

Gladys taber quotes